Thursday, March 30
Update on valerie
- Keep the goal of Valerie being accepted into a hospital in Houston in your heart & mind
- Continue to raise awareness of Valerie's case & of the needs of all children with disabilities
- Consider raising funds for Valerie's ongoing medical care & personal needs within your circle of friends, colleagues, family or make an individual donation.
- Network...who do you know? How can they help?
- Once Valerie is in Houston our needs will broaden. We will keep you informed about her needs & how you can help out directly in the process of getting this child the loving care that she needs.
Carrie's Heart
Houston, TX 77079
Cell: 281-813-9685
Saturday, March 18
Valerie & Carrie
Originally uploaded by angelnotion.
This experience has impacted me deeply. It is my hope that you will find courage in your heart to help this desperate child. She was found on March 16, 2006 and we have very little time. I have looked in her eyes, I have touched her hands and know that she is fully aware of what is happening to her. I know she exists in undescribeable conditions. I have been by her side and I feel personally responsible to help her. Thank you for your kind consideration.
Thursday, March 16
I am so excited to share with all of you the amazing missions that we have completed this year so far, in just the beginning phases of 2006.
For me personally 2006 has been a complete success.
Just wait until you see the photos … click on this site to see all the work this year.
This year’s focus is continuing to grow in the clinic supporting the local community with options in treating medical, physical and emotional conditions. We have had the clinic now almost three years and it’s growing into a clinic of medical options with an alternative touch. We are now recognized as a national non profit organization in
We are in need of your help as a specialist or funding for these projects:
Ophthalmologists who are able to give cataract surgeries and other eye problems that exist in the
Gynecologists : Thousands of women in the state who have never had an obgyn check up. We are diagnosing 25% of our women in the state with uterine cancers, breast cancers, and Sexually transmitted diseases. Contact us at
Audiologist to come and assist us in testing hundreds of children who are apparently deaf, we do not have an audiometer here in the state for testing. We need clear diagnosis and treatment in hearing aids, batteries and maintenance in hearing aids.
Our special children who are in need of life saving open heart surgeries:
Save a child’s life by donating your tax dollars
Edgar Martinez
4 years old- Needs to be funded to go to
Leslie Pinto 4 year’s old: Needs funding to go to
Adriana 12 years old - Needs to be funded to go to
Moise: 20 years old with a birth defect of bifida of the nose.
He will be receiving three specialized plastic surgeries from the
Best Plastic surgeon Dr. George Poletes in
We need your help in raising $2500.00 and he will be able to go
Travel to East lancing for this life changing treatment.
If you have a passion for making a difference we would love to have you as a part of the team!
The easiest way to make a difference!
1. Bank transfer direct to Angelnotion
CLIENTE BENEFICIARIO: Lavonna Redman Ayuda de los angeles
Address: 270 PARK AV. NEW YORK CP. 10017
Account number 0 0 1 0 5 9 0 3 6
Other options of sending your donation today!
2. You can donate via Pay Pal or
3. You can send a check to Angel Notion in
1057 se Blackridge Bend Oregon 97702
We can’t do this work with out your assistance thank you for your kind donations!
Lavonna Redman
Tuesday, March 14
Espanol informe Spanish information
Puede haber muchas formas de expresar lo que es el amor y la manera en que se puede dar, habra quien lo considere como un sentimiento que hace desear el bien y la compañía de otro en donde se puede dar y recibir sin esperar nada a cambio. Bajo esta perspectiva, sera una sensación que en la mayor parte de las veces, ayudara a aumentar la autoestima y el sentimiento de felicidad; visto asi, el amor es una acción voluntaria que se emprende y se aprende y no una pasión que se impone contra nuestra voluntad; dicho de otra manera, el amor se convierte entonces en una libre decisión y elección como forma de vida
Cualquiera que sea el mecanismo para conocer su significado y sus efectos, para ANGEL NOTION el amor es una realidad que no tiene fronteras, su interes no es definir la palabra amor, sino llevarla a la practica. ANGEL NOTION o ayuda de los angeles, es una organizacion no lucrativa con la mision de atender en forma integral las diferentes necesidades que tiene la poblacion más desprotegida de Playa del Carmen. Su enfoque se basa en aspectos de la medicina tradicional y con muy buenos resultados en la medicina alternativa, considera los efectos sociales que ayudan al desarrollo personal y promueven la adaptacion al trabajo
Desde hace más de 6 años, la Sra. Lavonna Redman, originaria de Portland Oregon, es la directora de ese organismo y ha dedicado toda su energia y mistica de servicio para atender principalmente a niños con enfermedades severas del corazón. Los servicios medicos son posibles gracias al apoyo de la "Michigan States University" donde un grupo de Cirujanos de diferentes especialidades y su personal de apoyo, por lo menos dos veces por año, realizan intervenciones quirurgicas en hospitales publicos y privados que en forma gratuita cooperan ofreciendo sus instalaciones.
De manera especial se pueden mencionar sus logros en esta ciudad donde ya existe una adecuada coordinación con autoridades municipales y con los distintos hospitales y con los mas importantes prestadores de servicios, en todos los casos han obtenido donaciones financieras con deducibilidad fiscal o tambien en especie, situacion que les permite ofrecer mas ayuda a nuestra poblacion de escasos recursos. Actualmente ya cuentan con la "Clinica Nicte Ha" en la colonia del mismo nombre donde, desde hace más de 2 años, se han proporcionado más de 3,000 servicios médicos, de capacitaciòn para el trabajo y de desarrollo personal, así como tambien de atención social
Por lo general son unos pocos los que logran dar amor y compasión a muchos, por lo que este reportero ha visto, notamos que ANGEL NOTION da mas con menos y lo da a una comunidad que en verdad necesita la ayuda. Un brazo de esa ayuda, lo ofrece Medica Maya ubicado en la Av. CTM, esq. Con 40 Av., un hospital con un a&o de estar en operacion y donde su directora, la doctora Maria F. Martinez Montiel, comparte el compromiso de dar mas con menos, por eso, a partir del dia 5 y hasta el dia 10 de este mes, sus instalaciones se han puesto gratuitamente al servicio de ANGEL NOTION. Ese hospital se mantiene a la vanguardia del servicio privado en Playa del Carmen y tiene capacidad para atender pacientes en distintas especialidades porque cuenta con medicos especialistas certificados y recertificados lo cual da confianza en el cuidado de la salud. El personal es debidamente calificado en sus diferentes areas y para el traslado de pacientes se apoya en el servicio propio de dos ambulancias de cuidados intensivos
Puesto que los recursos disponibles en la region muchas veces se reinvierten en proyectos e infraestructura basica para apoyar el turismo, en ocasiones no sobra mucho para apoyar a la población nativa Maya. En esas condiciones, los que tienen diferentes discapacidades, frecuentemente son rechazados de sus hogares o por la propia comunidad y las personas que los cuidan, no tienen la educación necesaria que les permita conocer los alcances y potenciales de estos niños, y lo peor del asunto es, que tampoco existe un lugar donde pueden obtener cuidados especiales. Con tu ayuda, Ayuda a los Ángeles, será ese lugar para educación y cuidados especiales
Sunday, March 12
Vision mission playa del carmen and Cozumel Feb 2006
Giving glasses to those children who would have never been able to afford them. 250 kids were tested and fitted with glasses donated from
Dr. Patricia Gallagher,Dr. George and Diane Hagen, Dr.Julia Regan
Dear Lavonna,
What a great mission! The
arrangements on your end were way more than we expected; muchas gracias!
After looking back, we think this is the best mission experience we have
had. Working with the children was just great and we hope we were able to
change a few lives for the better.
The accommodations and food were "out of this world." I'm afraid we got
spoiled and it will be hard to adapt to the way of life we experienced on
other trips if we do future missions. But, we will... because the smiles and
hugs we get make it all worthwhile.
Please thank all the volunteers that helped us because they did an
outstanding job. We could not have worked without them and I certainly
appreciated the good cooks in the kitchen. Wow, what great homemade Mexican
fare! And please thank the restaurant owners for dinner. I took a few of
their cards and will hand them out to friends that are planning to vacation
in Playa and hope they visit the restaurants that were so gracious to us.
Muje Rico! (spelling?)
We have ordered the glasses and they are being processed by our lab. We
should get them in plenty of time before we head back to Tulum. Juan called
us after we got back and said he would volunteer to come to Tulum to pick
them up if you wanted him to.
So, thanks again for all of your help. You are a wonderful and competent
person and we truly appreciate how smoothly things went. And we hope things
went as smoothly for the Michigan team that followed us. We were amazed how
you could "pull a rabbit out of the hat" and get them rooms; but then again,
you are a very, very special lady that "just gets things done."
Muchas gracias! And I have attached a few photos of the mission.
With all of our love,
George and Diane Hagen
Wednesday, March 8
Children and people served March 2006 Michigan state univeristy
Specialized treatment and surgeries
People who are making a difference in education and specialized surgeries... the simplicity of people loving other people work whom with a drive and passion to make the difference.
Moise is 20 years old and has a facial deformation. Dr. George Poletes has offered to assist Ayude de los angeles and Angel notion with a specialized plastic surgery. Moise will be going to michigan as soon as we are able to raise 2500.00 dollars for all of his and his parents cost to travel and stay in Michigan for minuim of 2 months. Dr. Poletes from what i have heard is one of the best Plastic Surgeons in the State of Michigan. He is willing to take Moise as a probono patient. I have worked with Dr. George in this last week and find him to be a man who enjoys giving to others. Thanks Dr. George Poletes you are not only making a difference.. You are changing Moises Life forever!
Dr. George Poletes (in blue) Erich ER Tech(in green) Our start Translator Ester from Canada
Suzana 18 months in need of a cleft palet repair. Dr. Poletes and Dr. Duane Smith and Dr. John Everett made sure she was given special care. She received her operation March 4th . she is recovering well and we will soon be able to see a difference in her nutrician and her form in speaking. Thanks again guys!
Surgery on her ears which were deformed Suzanna right after surgery
Dr. John Everette Anesthelogist. John is excellent in his work! You are who we depend on for the care of our kids... thank for making these missions a success!
Our Caring nurses/ translators Emily Dunn
Barbie Collins
Surgery team and Maya Hospital donated their space and surgery center to provide a place where our docs felt at home!
Michigan state univeristy makes a huge difference! 2006
Thanks to all of you who have it in your heart to share your expertice with the people who are most in need!
Dijo la Madre Teresa: " Voy a pasar por la vida una sola vez, cualquier cosa buena que yo pueda hacer o alguna amabilidad que pueda dar a algún ser humano, debo hacerlo ahora, porque no pasaré de nuevo por ahí..."
Dr. Peter Lapine and his Msu team Has come to Playa 14 times in 7 years.
2006 Msu has completed their goal of making a difference this Year. Team Msu includes
Dr. Duane Smith
Dr. Keith Apelgren
Dr. John Everett
Dr. Larry Prokop
Dr. George Poletes
Kathryn Runyan
Sherri Lepofsky
Emily Dunn
Volunteers Dr.s of Playa