Monday, February 6

Jan 2006 - 500 people were assisted with Vermonts Dorthy Malone Rising Diabetes Mission Felipe Carrillo Puerto Quintana Roo, Mexico

Dorthy Malone Rising and 5 other team members from Vermont came to Playa to work with angel notion in diganosing and treating diabetes.
These photos are from the town of Felipe Carrillo Puerto in the heart of the Mayan Zone.
Look at the people in these photos and see the desire and the need for more care.
Please support us in programing these kinds of missions.
We saw 500 people in the state of Quintana Roo, Playa, Cozumel and Felipe carillo puerto and found 25% of the people were either pre-diabetes or in full diabetes. The people with full diabetes had missing toes, limbs and was obvious they didnt have information regarding their disease.
We gave them nutricial information, medical consultants and gave them devices to keep track of their levels of glucosa training them to handle their disease at home Vs waiting til they are missing limbs.
Our missions are managed by local volunteers and donations, we need more assistance in every way. Please send a donation to our missions. Making a difference!

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