Michigan state mission 2006 -Dr Peter Lapine
Specialized treatment and surgeries
People who are making a difference in education and specialized surgeries... the simplicity of people loving other people work whom with a drive and passion to make the difference.
Moise is 20 years old and has a facial deformation. Dr. George Poletes has offered to assist Ayude de los angeles and Angel notion with a specialized plastic surgery. Moise will be going to michigan as soon as we are able to raise 2500.00 dollars for all of his and his parents cost to travel and stay in Michigan for minuim of 2 months. Dr. Poletes from what i have heard is one of the best Plastic Surgeons in the State of Michigan. He is willing to take Moise as a probono patient. I have worked with Dr. George in this last week and find him to be a man who enjoys giving to others. Thanks Dr. George Poletes you are not only making a difference.. You are changing Moises Life forever!
Dr. George Poletes (in blue) Erich ER Tech(in green) Our start Translator Ester from Canada
Suzana 18 months in need of a cleft palet repair. Dr. Poletes and Dr. Duane Smith and Dr. John Everett made sure she was given special care. She received her operation March 4th . she is recovering well and we will soon be able to see a difference in her nutrician and her form in speaking. Thanks again guys!
Surgery on her ears which were deformed Suzanna right after surgery
Dr. John Everette Anesthelogist. John is excellent in his work! You are who we depend on for the care of our kids... thank for making these missions a success!
Our Caring nurses/ translators Emily Dunn
Barbie Collins
Surgery team and Maya Hospital donated their space and surgery center to provide a place where our docs felt at home!
Wednesday, March 8
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Por favor, avísenme si es posible... Paty Ramírez 984 108 64 14 patricia@exitplaya.com
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